First Market Day Villefranche-sur-mer (Day 2)

at the market

Villefranche-sure-mer Saturday market

Everyone got up at about 8:00′ish on a beautiful Saturday morning.  We all had a double shot of excellent French coffee, then Henry Warner made scrambled eggs with sauteed mushrooms, peppers, onions and shallots.  We then headed out to the town market.  We discovered that there were actually two active Saturday and Wednesday markets in Villefranche-sur-mer.  The one closest to us sold mostly crafts-type objects.  Since we were more interested in local produce, we asked around and located the second market up the hill.  This market offered a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, plus cheeses and sausage, all of which we purchased for the apartment.


Jill stocking up at the market.

We ambled around the market for a while, wandered the streets of Villefranche-sur-mer, bought more provisions and the local grocery, and had a pizza lunch at a seaside restaurant.  None of us were feeling too energetic, so we headed back to the apartment for a short break.  Jill and Dawn were busily attacking knitting projects, while Henry Warner started working on the blog.

We decided that we were dangerously low on wine, so Rich and Henry Warner were dispatched once again to the local grocery store to come back with more.  We bought seven bottles, which should easily last us through tomorrow.

DSC08583Next we decided to walk down along the promenade bordering the beach to scout out the area.  While the day was pleasantly warm, it was also a bit overcast.  This did not deter the beach crowd, though, as there were plenty of people soaking up the rays.  We decided Saturday was going to be a “take it easy” day, as we were all still jet-lagged.

My workout stairs

My workout stairs

After getting back to the apartment, I decided to get in a half hour of stair running for a quick workout before dinner.  There was no difficulty finding nearby stairs to run, as Villefranche is basically built into a cliff.  I like running stairs, as I get a high-intensity workout and it is running-like, but without the knee and back-pounding after-affects.  I am always telling my kids that one can workout anywhere – and one should workout everywhere!


DSC08597I made a new French buddy during my workout.  For most of my workout, a Tabby cat perched on the steps watching me go up and down.  I didn’t have my camera with me during my workout, so I snapped his picture afterwards while he was lounging in a doorstep.  Bonjour, mon chat ami !  Comment ça va ?

After a great dinner at nearby Les Garcons, we headed back to the apartment about 9:00 PM and basically called it a day.  I’m sure tomorrow will find us much more energetic and ambitious!

Lavender at the local market

Lavender at the local market

Jill and Dawn collaborating on selecting the finest local produce from the open-air market

Jill and Dawn collaborating on selecting the finest local produce from the open-air market


Give us this day our daily bread

Give us this day our daily bread

The local beach scene

The local beach scene


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